Employ Me! is a program that supports people to find meaningful employment within Castlegar. Employ Me! matches job seeker’s skills, abilities and capabilities to the employment needs of local businesses. We support people to find work by using Planning Processes, Person Centered Employment Plans, Informational Interviews, Resume and Cover Letter Development and On-The-Job Supports and Maintenance, if required. Referrals are from Community Living British Columbia (CLBC).

What we do:

  • Initial intake & discovery process – Involves interviews, assessments and observations to develop a comprehensive profile of the job seeker’s skills, interests and aspirations
  • Supports in preparing for job interviews
  • Supports in creating resumes and cover letters
  • On-the-job training – a task analysis is developed to create a clear and concise understanding of the job
  • Job Coaching as needed – Job Coaches promote independence by building natural supports within the working environment and by implementing mechanisms that may limit the need for a Job Coach
  • Follow-up – check-ins and consultation with employers

For further information, please contact Colleen Rizzotti or Pauline Fenton.